Join us on September 15-17, 2023 for our annual Society CME Meeting – built to provide the vascular suite the tools needed to keep up with the many changes in Vascular and Endo Vascular Technology. Meet and exchange information and ideas and with a network of Vascular Professionals.

The Virginia Vascular Society, founded in 1985, is composed of vascular surgeons and physicians of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The fall annual meeting provides a forum to present and discuss topics related to vascular disease.

Who should attend our annual meeting?
You do not need to be a member of the Virginia Vascular Society — we hope you will come and share your knowledge and experience while making life long connections. You will be so impressed you will want to become a member of our organization.

Member or Non-Member
Allied Health Professionals


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

15 Sep - 17 Sep 2023, 7:00 am - 12:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

Go to Event Website
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Ticket Pricing:
Non-Member Physician (MD and DO): USD 200.00, Member Physician (MD and DO): USD 150.00, Non-Member Allied Health: USD 75.00, Member Allied Health: USD 50.00, Industry Representative: USD 799.00

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